Are You Dealing With Sinusitis?

Leading ENT Physicians in Stockbridge, GA

Our Otolaryngology Physicians see patients with sinusitis at their Southern Crescent ENT office in Stockbridge, GA, and Fayetteville, GA.

Our knowledgeable, skilled, highly educated, licensed, and board-certified doctors provide many services to the residents in and around Stockbridge and Fayetteville.

The most common ailment they see is sinusitis. Our doctors find that many patients suffer from sinusitis and want you to know you are not alone and that there is hope of eliminating this pesky problem. Our esteemed medical doctors are here to answer your questions and offer much-needed relief.

You Don't Have to Deal with Sinusitis

Some patients have seasonal sinusitis. Other patients have sinusitis year-round. If symptoms of sinusitis are getting you down, and you are tired of dealing with these symptoms, please call Southern Crescent ENT in Stockbridge, GA, and Fayetteville, GA, today and find relief from your sinus infection. 

Sinusitis develops when your nasal passages become swollen and inflamed. As we mentioned earlier, you can have chronic sinus problems with no let-up in sight, or this can come and go depending on environmental allergies and pollen levels in the air. 

Some patients never had sinus problems, and suddenly, one day, they do. Others say the symptoms last for weeks, months, or year-round. There are many causes for your sinus infection, such as,

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune Reactions
  • Deviated Septum
  • Fungal Infection
  • Dental Problems

The correct diagnosis depends on your symptoms, and our doctor must examine your nasal cavity and sinuses using a thin, flexible tube that slips gently through your nose. A fiber-optic light at the end of the tube lets the doctor see your sinuses clearly. If this does not tell the doctor what they need to know, the doctor may order an MRI or CT of your sinuses to make a correct diagnosis. 

If you have the following symptoms, chances are you have sinusitis or an infection of your sinus. For the doctor to tell you, you have sinusitis, you must have at least two of the following symptoms.

  • Inability to smell
  • Inability to taste
  • Constant nasal discharge
  • Stuffy nose
  • Congestion
  • Facial pain and swelling across your forehead and around your eyes, nose, cheeks
  • Ear pain
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • Cough
  • Bad breath

Depending on your diagnosis, our doctor has treatment options to help you overcome your sinus problems, such as,

  • Oral antibiotics
  • Inhaled steroids
  • Decongestants
  • Possible surgical intervention

You Don't Have to Suffer from Sinusitis

Please call our doctors at Southern Crescent ENT in Stockbridge, GA, at (770) 474-7416 and Fayetteville, GA, at (678) 817-4390 for your sinusitis consultation appointment. We know we can help you overcome the misery of this pesky illness.

There is no reason you should suffer from these symptoms needlessly; we can help. Never let sinusitis go untreated and get the best of you. You are at risk for this to worsen. You can develop complications or a further respiratory infection. We can help you.

Leading ENT Physicians in Stockbridge, GA

Our Otolaryngology Physicians see patients with sinusitis at their Southern Crescent ENT office in Stockbridge, GA, and Fayetteville, GA.

Our knowledgeable, skilled, highly educated, licensed, and board-certified doctors provide many services to the residents in and around Stockbridge and Fayetteville.

The most common ailment they see is sinusitis. Our doctors find that many patients suffer from sinusitis and want you to know you are not alone and that there is hope of eliminating this pesky problem. Our esteemed medical doctors are here to answer your questions and offer much-needed relief.

You Don't Have to Deal with Sinusitis

Some patients have seasonal sinusitis. Other patients have sinusitis year-round. If symptoms of sinusitis are getting you down, and you are tired of dealing with these symptoms, please call Southern Crescent ENT in Stockbridge, GA, and Fayetteville, GA, today and find relief from your sinus infection. 

Sinusitis develops when your nasal passages become swollen and inflamed. As we mentioned earlier, you can have chronic sinus problems with no let-up in sight, or this can come and go depending on environmental allergies and pollen levels in the air. 

Some patients never had sinus problems, and suddenly, one day, they do. Others say the symptoms last for weeks, months, or year-round. There are many causes for your sinus infection, such as,

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune Reactions
  • Deviated Septum
  • Fungal Infection
  • Dental Problems

The correct diagnosis depends on your symptoms, and our doctor must examine your nasal cavity and sinuses using a thin, flexible tube that slips gently through your nose. A fiber-optic light at the end of the tube lets the doctor see your sinuses clearly. If this does not tell the doctor what they need to know, the doctor may order an MRI or CT of your sinuses to make a correct diagnosis. 

If you have the following symptoms, chances are you have sinusitis or an infection of your sinus. For the doctor to tell you, you have sinusitis, you must have at least two of the following symptoms.

  • Inability to smell
  • Inability to taste
  • Constant nasal discharge
  • Stuffy nose
  • Congestion
  • Facial pain and swelling across your forehead and around your eyes, nose, cheeks
  • Ear pain
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • Cough
  • Bad breath

Depending on your diagnosis, our doctor has treatment options to help you overcome your sinus problems, such as,

  • Oral antibiotics
  • Inhaled steroids
  • Decongestants
  • Possible surgical intervention

You Don't Have to Suffer from Sinusitis

Please call our doctors at Southern Crescent ENT in Stockbridge, GA, at (770) 474-7416 and Fayetteville, GA, at (678) 817-4390 for your sinusitis consultation appointment. We know we can help you overcome the misery of this pesky illness.

There is no reason you should suffer from these symptoms needlessly; we can help. Never let sinusitis go untreated and get the best of you. You are at risk for this to worsen. You can develop complications or a further respiratory infection. We can help you.

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Southern Crescent ENT, PC - Stockbridge

1101 Hospital Drive Suite 100A,
Stockbridge, GA 30281

Southern Crescent ENT - Fayetteville

101 Yorktown Drive, Suite 203,
Fayetteville, GA 30214